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Watch this space for the latest news about Ian Sheldon, and upcoming events featuring the artist, author and illustrator. Subscribe to Ian’s newsletter to receive similar information in your inbox as well as invitations to art shows. Newsletters are only sent out once every few months and are tailored from Ian’s main art website Please visit Ian’s main site to see all the avenues that he explores in the arts.

Updated May 19, 2020

I hope that this newsletter finds all of you in good health and spirit. These are incredibly challenging times for many. I thought I would send out some news to keep the energy flowing and the feeling that things will resume in some manner eventually. It’s been interesting observing the activities of artists online. At first there was humour and productivity, but lately creative output seems to have slumped, perhaps as we all get a little fatigued and wonder what, when and how we will move forward.

Some galleries have started with a soft re-opening and let’s all hope things start to shift in a positive direction soon.

Gibson Fine Art
I am so pleased to announce that 6 oil paintings were purchased and installed at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Calgary through Gibson Fine Art. I got to check out the installation in February. Thank you Patti at the gallery for the superb installation! The gallery just recently hosted a wonderfully successful fundraiser for the  Calgary Women’s Shelter and I donated one of my landscapes to the cause. It seemed extra pertinent to support during these challenging times. Visit to check out the inventory currently at the gallery.
New Representation
Right at the beginning of lockdown I embarked on a big expansion of my representation. I am pleased to announce that Mountain Galleries in Jasper, Stratford, Whistler and Banff will be carrying my oil paintings. It will be an interesting journey to be hosted by the gallery here in Jasper – a first for the gallery to work with someone in town, and we will iron out things as they go. Obviously the launch has been a little soft, with the lockdown etc, but once the motors of tourism and travel are allowed to function again, and galleries open their doors, we are looking forward to an exciting future! They have yet to add a listing for my inventory but that will come soon.
New beginnings, new styles, new explorations!
Last year I had two clients ask if I ever did any really small oil paintings, about 6 inches in size. No! I just didn’t feel the pull to works so small. But I took it as a sign to give it a go. And I can’t believe how much I enjoyed them! I created a set of twelve 6 x 6 inch oil paintings. All of them sold on social media in the first 24 hours – so it seems my fans loved them as much as I did! Here is a photo of the first collection before they’ve been framed. I enjoyed them so much I am thinking that I will do a new set every 3 or 4 months. Clients have enthused that they can finally afford a Sheldon ($250 each framed), or find an easy spot to hang a few more paintings. if you would like to be put on the wait list for the next collection, email me and let me know. I rather like the idea of calling them “Windows”. Perhaps the next set will be the Lockdown Windows – I’m halfway through the next collection.
When Margo and I moved to Jasper and set up home and business here, a lot of people asked, so when are you going to start painting mountains? I chuckled. I am a prairie boy, and that horizon and flat line defines me! Well, sure enough, some mountains have started creeping into my new explorations. Never say never! All of them have so far been well received. This one below is my most recent and largest mountain study from Medicine Lake in Jasper National Park. And look – there’s that flat line, but this time created by the lake.
Medicine Blues – oil on canvas – 30 x 66 inches
Tough Decisions
The hardest part for me this year with world events and lockdowns is that Art Walk on Whyte Avenue in Edmonton has been cancelled. It was a tough decision by the organizers. This would have been my 23rd year taking part in the event, and the event’s 25th year. This singular event has arguably been the most important thing I chose to do as an artist – to generate sales (not just on weekend but for all the follows-ups) and interact with the public and artists of all kinds. It likely represents half my annual business when I look at the follow-through. I’ve met so many amazing collectors and artists, many of whom have become the best of friends. It’s tough for all not to be having the event. In lieu of it, I will create a video installation in my studio of all the paintings that I have been creating for it. So, you can sit back in your couches and look at your empty walls and decide from the safe comfort of your own home what art you need to buy! Art Walk would be two months away, and I will send out a newsletter with appropriate links at that time. Let’s take it all virtual! In the meantime, here’s a preview of the tall skinnies that I love doing. And, as always, my website is fully up to date with any works that are available.